Duke | NROTC | Solution A | Solution B | Main TDG Page | Setup |
SLAM 13, 14, and 15 each acknowledge receipt.
Blacklist acknowledges.
"There is a large enemy mechanized formation on Rte. 141 about 5 miles northeast of Lemay, approaching Lemay. Slam 12 will attack now. Request you divert any available missions to assist."
There are four good reasons to continue the attack on the bridge:
(1) At 5 NM, the flight is already taking separation for the attack. Reorganizing will take about as long as attacking and risks losing flight integrity.
(2) The ordnance is optimized for bridge destruction, not tactical targets.
(3) Bridge destruction should isolate the enemy vanguard from the rest of the reserves and delay this resupply.
(4) The air tasking order says to.
As the lead section pulls off the bridge, it is an easy left wagon-wheel to reacquire and attack the mech formation; the armed recce ordnance is perfect for the task. The first section should bomb the leading elements in an attempt to pin the formation down. The second section should aim for center mass. With any luck, burning vehicles will provide aim points for follow-on missions.
Off target, lead should contact friendly ground forces and give a quick synopsis of the situation. The Bn/Reg tactical frequency would be best if known. If not, contact their FAC on the ground force's tactical air direction net. The DASC should pass the info on to the TAC, but a gentle reminder in the form of a bomb damage assessment is appropriate.