Tactical Decision Game #96-8 Solution B
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #96-8 B August 1996

Air Attack Against the
Bridges of Madison County

by Capt Mark A. Whitson

View a map of the solution

Division Leader's Initial Frag

"Dash 3, take your section to Madison bridge, attack, and then proceed to the bridge northeast of Madison bridge and hold. Report when your section is rejoined at the north bridge with BDA [battle damage assessment] and the extent of the column on the road to my left. How copy?"

"Dash 2, follow me in hot on the lead vehicles to our left; rejoin over the bridge south of Madison bridge."

Division Leader's Subsequent Frags (Madison Bridge Destroyed)

"Dash 3, delay the column by attacking the lead movers on the road east of Madison bridge until Bingo or Winchester. Report off target after each pass and proceed to the southern bridge outbound. Use Madison bridge for an inbound initial point (IP). We will do the same for deconfliction. No reattacks if you see missiles coming up.

"Dash 2, we'll take out this southern bridge and then swing back to Madison bridge and into the pattern for attacks on the armor. Lead's in."

Flight Leader's Subsequent Frags (Madison Bridge Not Destroyed)

"Dash 2, we'll use our heavy stuff to take out Madison bridge and then attack the armor to the east. Lead's in."

Flight Leader's Report After Second Set of Attacks

"ACE, Lead. Launch the alert, armed for vehicles and armor. We have destroyed Madison bridge and are engaging a column on the road southeast into Lemay."


My priorities, in order, are:

First, to destroy the primary target, Madison bridge. The enemy is clearly using it. Dash 3's report from the north bridge will tell me whether there are more vehicles on the way to the west of Madison bridge or not. In any case, destroying it will cut off the lead vehicles (if not the whole column) and will deny any further use of the bridge.

Second, to stop or delay the advance of the column. Not knowing what kind of terrain flanks the road or exactly what kind of vehicles we are attacking, the best I may be able to achieve will be to delay the column by forcing them to drive through the dirt. Even that will be of value to the ground force commander (obviously, the presence of a sizable mech force in the defense at Lemay would make securing it a lot more difficult). In any case, we'll concentrate on the lead vehicles in hopes of cluttering the road with wrecked vehicles.

Third, to get a quick recce of both of the other bridges and the roads into the Lemay area in order to advise the ACE.

Since my section has the vehicles in sight, we will roll in hot on them right away on a north-to-south axis and try to halt or delay the first vehicle or two. We will then rejoin at the south bridge and take a quick look up and down that road from our orbit. Dash 3 can press on to the target, rejoin with his wingman at the north bridge, and report to me their BDA and any other enemy movement within a couple of miles of the north bridge or immediately west of Madison bridge. This should take about 4 minutes to complete.

If Dash 3 and Dash 4 were able to take out Madison bridge, my section will attack the south bridge (since the enemy reserve force is expected to be straddling the two southern roads, this bridge seems the most likely to be used as an alternate to Madison). If Dash 3 and Dash 4 did not drop the span at Madison bridge, my section will finish the job. While we are conducting our bridge attack, Dash 3's section can continue to attack the column. Since the column last saw my section pull off to the south, Dash 3 and Dash 4 may still be able to surprise them when they roll in from the north only a few minutes after we left. Approximately 10 minutes will have elapsed by the time the second attack is complete.

My section will press in on the column from Madison after Dash 3's section reports off target and our bridge attack is complete. If unable to make an attack on the column right away (because of pulling off target at Madison, e.g.), we will establish ourselves in the pattern and follow Dash 3's section when they make their next attack.

Using the southern bridge as a control point for egress and Madison as an IP inbound will allow us to avoid a midair while we work the column in further section at tacks. It will also make any further attacks on the column come from a third axis (northwest to southeast along the road). After the second attack is complete, we will have had a chance to see all three bridges and the roads to either side of them. I'll radio back to the ACE as soon as possible thereafter to launch the alert and advise him of any further enemy activity, BDA, etc.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.