Tactical Decision Game #96-9 Solution C
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #96-9 C September 1996

Flank Guard, Part III

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Company Commander's Frag Order

"Ravens: This is Raven 6. The enemy is reacting to our presence. My goal is to disengage and withdraw to the north to Checkpoint 35 then move to the west passing north of Hill 224.

"XO: Take command of the 2d Platoon, what's left of the ATs, and the Mortar Section and withdraw north toward Checkpoint 35 up the dirt road that the Mortar Section is setup on. Do not engage any wheeled vehicles unless fired on and you have positive identification. I don't want any friendly fire engagements. At Checkpoint 35 take charge of 3d Platoon and withdraw to the west moving north of Hill 224. My goal is to link up with the 6th Marines. I will try to join you on the northwest edge of Hill 224. If you don't see me when you get there, leave. Do not wait for me. I will see you in the rear.

"3d Platoon: You are to conduct a fighting withdrawal to the north and Checkpoint 35. Create as much havoc as you can with the BTRs, but remember you are withdrawing. When you get to Checkpoint 35 linkup with the XO and get "out of Dodge."

"1st Platoon: We have tanks to the south and BMPs to the north. I don't believe we can get back to the rest of the company, so we are attacking. We are going due west and will attempt to shoot through the gap between the tank company and the BMP company. I hope to link up with the rest of the company on the northwest of Hill 224 and then head for the 6th Marines to the west. You are cleared to engage at will.

"FO: Get whatever they'll give usÑ Cobras, M198s, MLRS. I don't care. I need these guys suppressed so that we can get out of here. The forces to the north that engaged 2d and 3d Platoons have the priority. 3d Platoon has priority of fire."


I am in deep. My primary concern is to break contact with the mechanized battalion and save the force to fight another day. I believe that the T-64s have infiltrated the area to the southeast of Hill 223 and knocked out my AT variants. The rest of the enemy mechanized battalion is strung out on Rte. 40 and is not in position to pursue me if I leave now. Most of the company is in good position to withdraw to the north to Checkpoint 35 and back to friendly lines to the west via the backside of Hill 224. This route should provide them cover from the enemy battalion and open country to fight in if they have to. The bigger trick is how to get the 1st Platoon (and me) out of the situation we are in. Since I believe that there are enemy forces to the north, south, and east, I decided to go in the only direction that I think that there are no enemy forces. The gap between the end of tank company and the beginning of the BMP company should be large enough to move through if I hurry. I believe the LAVs' cross- country speed, the advantage of presenting a crossing target, and the darkness should be enough to protect us from any antitank guided missiles or main gun rounds that might be fired in our direction. As far as the accomplishment of the mission, I believe that the short action I have fought with the enemy mechanized battalion should have delayed the enemy attack into the side of the 6th Marines enough for them to have organized an effective defense. Therefore I feel the company has accomplished its assigned mission.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.