Tactical Decision Game #96-9 Solution B
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #96-9 B September 1996

Flank Guard, Part III

by Walter W. Grant

View a map of the solution

Company Commander's Frag Order

"Mortars: Lay down a screen of smoke and high explosive south of 1st Platoon until it arrives at your position. Then join them and move out.

"1st Platoon: Take off now. Pick up the Mortar Section and move to a position behind the crest of the small hill to your east, coordinates 123456. Then cover 2d Platoon's flank and rear as they shift to engage tanks coming from the south. I'll follow you and peel off to joint up with 2d Platoon.

"3d Platoon: Work your way southeast and joint up with 1st Platoon east of the small hill at coordinates 123456.

"2d Platoon: Get your AT in position to fire on the tanks coming up from the south. I'll join you in a few minutes. Be prepared to move to the northeast under covering fire from 1st and 3d Platoons, when I give you the word.

"Arty FO: Get some rounds onto the tanks ASAP."

Report to 6th Marines

"6th Marines: Enemy tanks are now deployed about 10 or 12 kilometers south west of checkpoint 35 and seem to be heading northeast toward us. The remainder of the enemy column is deployed along Route 40 about 5 or 6 kilometers south west of Checkpoint 35. Request air support. If you can send some tanks quickly, you might take the enemy tanks from the rear and also raise some hell with the rest of their vehicles."


So far we've accomplished our mission. We've spotted the enemy column and caused them to deploy. Now we've got to consolidate our forces and work our way out of this mess without losing contact entirely.

I'll get the 1st and 3d Platoons, along with the mortars, on the way out. When I get to the 2d Platoon's position, we'll size up the situation again. We can either continue to harass the enemy, if they decide to break off the engagement, or withdraw to the northeast under covering fire from the 1st and 3d Platoons.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.