Tactical Decision Game #96-11 Solution C
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #96-11 C November 1996

On the Road to Martinstraus

by Dr. Andrew H. Hershey

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  1. Hills 175 and 142 are undefended.
  2. The security vehicles are BTRs, lightly armored.
  3. The security force's mission is to delay.
  4. Enemy has further delaying forces in Martinstraus.

Tank Company Commander's Order

"We've taken fire from our front and left flank. We're going to move around Baumhuer Ridge toward Hill 327, establish an overwatch, then move the AAVs and a tank platoon into Martinstraus to gain a foothold. We can't have control of the bridge if enemy forces are in Martinstraus.

"3d Platoon: You're in the lead. Move around the ridge. Destroy enemy on Hill 327. Establish over watch in order to support our movement into Martinstraus. Move now!

"2d Platoon and AAVs: Follow in trace of 3d Platoon. Once 3d has overwatch on Hill 327 attack to gain a foothold in Martinstraus.

"1st Platoon: Suppress enemy on Hill 350 to allow us to move around the ridge then follow in trace.

"LAR: Continue to suppress enemy on Hill 327 as we close; cease fire on my call or visual.

"FO: Continue suppression on Hill 350. Check fire on Hill 327. Be prepared to fire obscuration on Martinstraus.

"FAC: Concentrate the Cobras on the BTRs on Hill 350 then get me some eyes on north of Martinstraus.

Message to 1st Tank Battalion: "Bring up Team Mech to clear Martinstraus. We will have a foothold in the town."


The enemy force was sent to delay me in order to buy time for the rest of his forces to accomplish something. I can't let this force slow me down. It is critical that I act fast-faster then he can react. My M1A1 tanks give me that ability. I've got the advantage of firepower, speed, and armor protection. Only by their bold application can I gain the initiative. I must suppress and maneuver. 3d Platoon should be able to handle the threat on Hill 327 by firing on the move. However, if I go charging into Martinstraus with my tanks I could be asking for trouble (Remember Grozny?).

My dilemma is that I need the infantry in the AAVs to seize the bridge and gain a foothold in the city. However, the AAV is extremely vulnerable to 14.5mm machinegun fire. Therefore, I must get some terrain between the AAVs and the enemy on Hill 350.

My goal is to quickly get my infantry across the bridge with a foothold in the city. They will be supported by the direct fire power of the M1A1s.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.