Tactical Decision Game #96-11 Solution B
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #96-11 B November 1996

On the Road to Martinstraus

by Dr. Andrew H. Hershey

View a map of the solution

Tank Commander's Frag Order

"To all units presently under my command: We have incoming heavy machinegun fire from atop Hills 350 and 327. We must not get bogged down by this and forget our missionÑto seize the bridge. It is my intent to press on with the infantry and 1st and 2d Tank Platoons. This is the main effort. It will pass north of Hill 350 via the dirt road and seize the bridge.

"To LAR Platoon & FO: Move onto Hill 175. Return fire as necessary. However, your main mission is to inform me of enemy activity on Rte. 9, north or south bound. FO you will be able to support the main efforts move from 175 so prepare for that mission. A Cobra section will be moving in from the southeast to scout and support you as well.

"To 3 A/1: Move atop Baumhuer Ridge and put Hills 350 and 327 under fire as necessary to facilitate the main force move.

"To 1 A/l, 2 L/5, and 2A/l: Swing up the dirt road, then head northeast for the bridge. 1 A/l will lead with the rifle platoon second and 2 A/l at the rear. 2 L/5 you may force the river if the situation lends itself to such a move. A Cobra section will be inbound from the west to support the overall move.

"To Cobra Leaders: I want one of your sections to move in from the west, between Hill 350 and the ridge north of it. We have enemy heavy machineguns (HMGs) on Hill 350, but they are being taken under fire. My 1 A/l, 2 L/5, and 2 A/l are at present moving northwest on dirt track and will swing northeast be hind Hill 350 to seize bridge. Your section is to support this move; contact 1 A/l. Your second section is to approach from southeast, vicinity Hill 142. Enemy HMGs on 327 also being taken under fire. This section to recon cover east-southeast of Hill 327. Contact LAR Platoon (3 C/l) on Hill 175.

"To HQ: Am taking HMG fire from Hills 350 and 327. Currently maneuvering 1 A/1, 2 L/5, and 2 A/1 north of Hill 350 with the intent of seizing the bridge. Cobra section required to support same, as that ground element is my main effort. LAR observing Rte. 9 from Hill 175, second Cobra section to assist same. 3 A/ 1 fire base to support scheme of maneuver. Artillery support to stand ready."


I do not wish to become bogged down in the narrow channel along the Rte. 2 corridor where the enemy would have an abundance of targets in a small area and could move easily to cause a delay. Therefore, I seek to breakout into the plain north of Hill 350 with the majority of my force. From there we can race to seize the bridge before additional enemy units move south. From the plain the AAVs may have the opportunity to cross the river to enhance my effort to seize the bridge, such a move can be supported by the Cobra section I have allocated to the main force.

To ensure that I am not going to be slammed by any enemy force from the southeast, I position the LAR on Hill 175. From there they can take Rte. 9 under fire along its entire length, and the FO can also target the bridge area to assist my main effort. The second Cobra section is used to augment the LAR's recon with its striking power should more substantial enemy units be discovered.

3 A/l's move is needed to provide a good fire base from which to suppress the enemy fire. From the ridge the armor can also ensure that my rear is protected.

My report to 1st Tanks, like that to Cobra leader, needs to be rather detailed so that they both have a clear picture on my intent and my scheme of maneuver. In this way they will be able to support me with the remainder of the battalion.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.