Tactical Decision Game #96-10 Solution C
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #96-10 C October 1996

On a Clear Day

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Tank Battalion Frag Order

"Okay, Gentleman, listen closely, things are getting hot. Our mission is to attack and destroy all of the enemy in the area in order to restore our predominance. My intent is to entrap the enemy to the north and to destroy the enemy in the south by any means possible. No one escapes!

"Charlie: You're the main effort! Attack to the east with the TOW platoon and then hook to the north in order to entrap the enemy at the airstrip. No one escapes to the north!

"TOWs: You're in direct support of Charlie. You'll get your attack orders from Charlie's CO.

"Alpha: Attack north. Drive on Faludi and the airstrip. You're the hammer, and Charlie is the anvil. You're the supporting effort. Keep your ears and eyes open for our Bravo Company.

"Bravo LAVs: You're in charge in the south. Attack to destroy those trucks and ZSUs in order to clear the enemy out of this area and reestablish our predominance here. When you get on the move, contact Whippet, he can fill you in on the situation down there. No one escapes!

"Whippet: Bravo LAVs will be on the scene shortly, fill him in on the situation, and attach yourself to him. Good job developing the situation. Continue as you see fit.

"I'll try to get us some arty, but we'll probably have to make do with the 81s in Bravo LAVs. Air won't be able to help until the ZSUs are out of action in the south. I'll be with the main effort, and the XO will be with Alpha. Everyone remember that Bravo Tanks is still out there."


I obviously want to trap the enemy in this area. There seems to be quite a large number of enemy vehicles, probably support assets, within our grasp. Destruction of them would likely put a serious crimp in the enemy's plans. I believe this to be the case for several reasons. First, I think the forces at the airstrip are the CSS train for a battalion or larger sized unit that has moved south. The trucks fleeing to the south could be delivering resupply to their battalion.

Encirclement is the best option possible for economy of force reasons and because it provides us with the greatest chance for achieving a decisive victory. If, we are in fact in a rear area, we have an opportunity to create havoc.

In the south, LAVs have the best chase speed for trucks that are already traveling on a track. Also, though thin skinned and vulnerable to ZSUs in a direct fire mode, the LAVs with their organic 81mm mortars will be able to generate more than enough combat power to overcome this enemy in the south. If, as I think likely, the enemy battalion is in the south, the LAVs are the perfect force to gain contact with the enemy and develop the situation.


There are several potential problems that must be worked out, or certainly must be thought out. First, what if the vehicles at the airport pull out before Charlie can get in around them and cut them off? Chasing them would greatly extend our communications and control problems. Additionally, what if the enemy in Faludi or to the north does include sizable armor or mech forces and is stronger than we are prepared for? We are missing an entire company, and with ZSUs in the area we won't get air to assist. Artillery is most likely out of reach, and we seem to be on our own. Also, what if there is a large unit in the south facing the LAVs? Where is that enemy battalion? This troubles me, but we must attack.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.