Tactical Decision Game #96-10
Tactical Decision Game #96-10 October 1996
On a Clear Day
by Maj John F. Schmitt, USMCR
View a map of the situation
You are the commanding officer of a tank battalion
operating in a desert region with three tank companies and an
antitank platoon of five TOWs. It has been a war of rapid
movements. The enemy is generally to the north, but after the
marching, countermarching and confused fighting of the last
24 hours you realize that is a fairly meaningless
distinction. Their exact location is uncertain. At 0200 you
are in a leaguer. With no idea of where the nearest
friendlies are, you established 360-degree security. You have
refueled; you have redistributed ammunition and decide you
have enough to get you through another engagement. Your main
concern is trying to raise Bravo Company, which you have not
seen or heard from since early after noon. Alpha Company has
seven tanks, Charlie has eight.
You are thinking you might actually get some rest tonight
when you receive instructions from division: "A mixed enemy
force of tanks and mechÑestimated battalion strength, but
that's probably exaggeratedÑ was reported to have overrun the
Faludi airstrip about an hour ago. Attack to destroy." You
ask for more information, but that is all that is known. You
remind division of your ammunition situation and the fact
that you only have 15 tanks, and the reply is: "Roger; attack
at the earliest opportunity."
Faludi is a deserted settlement on a small mound some 25
kilometers north-north west. By 0245 you move out with
Charlie in the lead, followed by your headquarters with the
TOWs, and Alpha in the rear. At 0330 you meet up with a
reinforced light armored reconnaissance company (19 LAVs)
that lacking any other instructions, falls in behind Alpha.
At 0430 Alpha reports that another platoon of LAV-25s
(callsign "Whippet"-4 LAVs) has attached itself to your right
At 0550 Charlie reports it has hit a track that you think
must be Route 10A. You move forward to have a look. Dawn is
just beginning to appear. Your gunner is listening to Armed
Forces Radio and says: "It's gonna be clear and hot today."
Charlie reports it can just make out Faludi in the haze about
5 kilometers north. "There are a couple thin-skinned vehicles
there. I can't ID them." Suddenly, gunfire erupts to the
south and Charlie reports: "Whippet has just engaged a convoy
of about 10 vehicles. They are fleeing south." Charlie now
reports: "I've got a visual on the airstrip. About 30-40
trucks; maybe 6 artillery pieces; no armor or mech."
The engagement continues in the south and now Alpha reports:
"Whippet is pursuing the convoy and says they're engaging
some ZSUsÑ4 or 5 of 'emÑon an escarpment about 5 clicks
south." Just then, artillery fire starts to land just north
of your position. A piece of shrapnel pings off your turret.
You decide it's going to be anything but clear today, but it
is starting to get hot. What do you do?
In a time limit of 5 minutes, decide what you will do by
issuing instructions to your subordinates. Then provide a
sketch, a short explanation, and a premortem (see box insert)
of your decision.
New Requirement: Premortem
Include a brief premortem examination of your plan. If a
postmortem figures out the cause of death, a premortem does
the same in advance. Assume that you can see 3 hours into the
future and can see that your plan was a complete failure. Try
to anticipate what would likely have gone wrong and why. All
plans have potential weaknesses, involve risks, and are based
on assumptions which might or might not be true. Analyze your
own plans to identify the risks, potential weaknesses, and
critical assumptions. If the risks are great enough, you
would normally decide to alter plans or make other
arrangements to safeguard against the danger. Thus, the
premortem is a safety check or a hasty, informal way
of wargaming your solution or putting yourself in the
enemy's shoes.
The window for sending in solutions to this game has expired.
For more detailed information on the structure
of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and
symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see
Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994,
pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the
January, 1995, edition on page 5.