Medal of Honor
Navy Cross
Defense Distinguished Service Medal
Navy Distinguished Service Medal
Coast Guard Distinguished Service Medal
Silver Star
Defense Superior Service Medal
Legion of Merit
Distinguished Flying Cross
Navy & Marine Corps Medal
Coast Guard Medal
Bronze Star
Purple Heart
Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal
Air Medal
Joint Service Commendation Medal
Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal
Coast Guard Commendation Medal
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal
Coast Guard Achievement Medal
Combat Action Ribbon
Presidential Unit Citation
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
Navy Unit Commendation
Coast Guard Unit Commendation
Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation
Coast Guard Meritorious Unit Commendation
Navy "E"
Presidential Medal of Freedom
National Security Medal
National Sciences Medal
Gold Lifesaving Medal
Silver Lifesaving Medal
Medal of Merit
Nat'l Intel. Dist. Svc. Medal
Nat'l Intel. Medal of Achievement
Navy Dist. Civilian Svc. Award
Navy Award for Dist. Ach. in Science
President's Dist. Fed. Civ. Svc. Medal
DOD Dist. Civ. Svc. Medal
Navy Dist. Public Svc. Award
NASA Dist. Svc. Medal
NASA Flight Medal
NASA Medal for Exc. Bravery
NASA Medal for Exc. Service
Merchant Marine Dist. Svc. Medal
Merchant Marine Merit. Svc. Medal
Merchant Marine Mariners Medal
Sel. Svc. Dist. Svc. Award
Sel. Svc. Exceptional Svc. Award
Sel. Svc. Meritorious Svc. Award
Congressional Space Medal of Honor
POW Medal
Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal
Navy Good Conduct Medal
Coast Guard Good Conduct Medal
Sel. Marine Corps Reserve Medal
Navy Reserve Meritorious Service
Coast Guard Reserve Good Conduct Medal
Fleet Marine Force Service
Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal
Navy Expeditionary Medal
China Service Medal
American Defense Service Medal
American Campaign Medal
Euro-African-ME Campaign Medal
Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
World War II Victory Medal
Navy Occupation Service Medal
Medal for Humane Action
National Defense Service Medal
Korean Service Medal
Antarctica Service Medal
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
SW Asia Service Medal
Kosovo Campaign Medal
Afghanistan Campaign Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Korean Defense Service Medal
Armed Forces Service Medal
Humanitarian Service Medal
Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal
Sea Service Deployment Ribbon
Coast Guard Sea Service Deployment Ribbon
Naval Arctic Service Ribbon
Coast Guard Arctic Service Medal
Navy/Marine Corps Overseas Service
USMC Recruiting Service Ribbon
Navy Recruiting Service Ribbon
USMC Drill Instructor Service Ribbon
Marine Security Guard
Coast Guard Spec. Operations Service Ribbon
Armed Forces Reserve Medal
Marine Corps Reserve Ribbon
Merchant Marine Gallant Ship Unit Citation
Merchant Marine Defense Bar
Merchant Marine Combat Bar
Merchant Marine Atlantic War Zone Bar
Merchant Marine Mediterranean War Zone Bar
Merchant Marine Pacific War Zone Bar
Merchant Marine WW II Victory Medal
Merchant Marine Korean Service Bar
Merchant Marine Vietnam Service Bar
Philippines Republic Presidential Unit Citation
Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation
Republic of Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation
Republic of Viet. Gallantry Cross Unit Citation
Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Unit Citation
Philippine Defense Ribbon
Philippine Liberation Ribbon
Philippine Independence Ribbon
United Nations Service Medal
United Nations Medal
NATO Meritorious Service Medal
** NATO Medal - Yugoslavia
** NATO Medal - Kosovo
** NATO Medal - Balkans
** NATO Medal - ISAF
Multi-National Forces and Observer Medal
Inter-Amererican Defense Board Medal
Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal
Kuwait Liberation (Saudi Arabia)
Kuwait Liberation (Kuwait)
** Note - other than the NATO Meritorious Service Medal, only the first
NATO Medal awarded may be worn. Subsequent awards of NATO medals are
represented by a bronze star on the first medal even if from
other areas of operations.