Tactical Decision Game #96-12 Solution C
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #96-12 C December 1996

A Bridge Too Far?

Dr. Andrew H. Hershey

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Commander's Mission Assessment

I strongly recommend that U.S. Marines are not used to undertake such a mission for the following reasons:

I therefore recommend that we discourage the National Security Council (NSC) option on the military grounds outlined above.

In conclusion, I would like to point out that the aforementioned briefing did contain two statements of intent, one Presidential and one from the NSC, examined above. The President's intent is broader in scope and can be distilled as follows a) to deter Serbian buildup, b) to deter their aggressive posturing and c) to counter the feeling of safety the Serbs have in Mosovic. I believe that these broader aims have a greater military chance of success and can be conducted with the forces at my disposal. Not having been asked specifically to address this issue, I will briefly outline an option.

In using military force in this manner the Serbs would receive a direct blow in the areas the President intended. Such a strike, in my opinion, has a greater chance of success with a diminished risk to U.S. forces.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.