Tactical Decision Game #95-7 Solution C
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #95-7 C July 1995

The Roadblock

by Cpl John Michael D. Elms

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Platoon Commander's Frag Order

"Our mission is to establish a blocking position on the EastWest road in the area of Zorhadge to prevent rebel forces from moving east toward the UNProFor's main evacuation route. We will be establishing our blocking position 1,400 meters east of Zorhadge just to the south of the EastWest Road.

"Platoon Sergeant, 1st Squad: Once we arrive at our position take 1st Squad, a javelin team, an M60 team, and four of the AT4s to Hill 828 and establish a base of fire and observation point. Pay close attention to the town and NorthSouth Road keep me updated on any major moven1ents over the radio. we will have coordinated targets at points Alpha, Bravo and Charlie

"2d Squad: We will establish the main position just south of the EastWest Road 1,400 meters east of Zorhadge. You are to set up your squad and all attachments in a defensive 360 without blocking the flow of refugees or the road. Your attachments include the AAVs, a javelin team, an M60 team, and the four remaining AT4s as well as most of 3d Squad. You will also have the use of all of the barbed wire. Pay particular attention to Dirt Road. Be advised, I will be located at your position.

"3d Squad: Detach one fire team to establish an OP on Hill 863 (ensure the fire team does not arouse attention from the town while in transit to the hill.) The OP is to observe and report, via radio, any combatant movement with in the town, on the EastWest Road area. The rest of your squad will assist 2d Squad at the main position.

"All Hands: you all know the rules of engagement, they strictly apply from here on out. Do not interact with or impede the flow of the refugees. Make effective and efficient use of the radio to keep me informed of hostile movements. Last of all, don't get too comfortable. The company CO may withdraw us with little or no warning. Any questions? Stay on your toes, Let's get to it!"


My assigned mission is to prevent rebel forces from moving east toward the UNProFor's main evacuation. My mission is not to get involved in any capacity with the refugees. To do so would certainly multiply my problems as well as make my platoon vulnerable to a wide range of threats. So I will not block their use of the road by turning my platoon into a human road block. Such an action would not only be unnecessarily dangerous for my men and hamper my ability to be flexible in the accomplishment of my mission, but would also threaten the lives and health of the refugees.

I will block the road and "prevent rebel forces from moving east . . ." by overwhelming, coordinated, and irresistible fire. The positions I have selected allow me to hit any opposition on its flanks and engage any hostile force away from the town minimizing chances of noncombatant casualties. The OPs, especially the one on Hill 863, will be essential for advanced warning of hostiles in this hilly country. Such warning will allow time to make decisions on whether to engage or not, when to engage, and how to engage.

During such an operation I would use my NCOs and platoon training time to ensure my Marines are not only capable of quoting rules of engagement (ROE) and explaining them but more importantly making quick tactical decisions on their own within the confines of these ROEs.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.