Tactical Decision Game #95-7 Solution A
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #95-7 A July 1995

The Roadblock

by Nadir A. El-Farra

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Platoon Commander's Frag Order

"Commander's Intent: Establish roadblock and ambush positions to prevent rebel access to East-West route. Allow refugees to pass.

"1st Squad (Platoon Sergeant commanding): Take four of the AT4s and establish ambush positions on the reverse slope of the Hill 863-Hill 821 ridgeline. Construct a roadblock to control vehicular traffic on the reverse slope of Hill 863 - man this position with no more than a fire team. Put an OP on the military crest to warn of rebel approach on East-West Road. The Marines on the roadblock should first attempt to turn away rebel elements peacefully. If the rebels attempt to force passage, you may fire on them. If you come under direct fire at any time, fall back through the woods and then join 2d Squad in Zorhadge.

"2d and 3d Squads. Your are the main effort. I will be with 2d Squad.

"3d Squad: With one Javelin team and one M60 team attached, plus two AT4s. Establish ambush position on the western slope of Hill 828 northeast of Zorhadge from which you can fire on rebel elements that come over the ridge near the roadblock as well as any that approach along North-South Road. Put a two-man element along North-South Road to intercept any rebel elements and attempt to tun them away peacefully.

"2d Squad: With the four AAVs, one Javelin team, and one M60 team attached, plus two AT4s. Establish ambush positions covering the roadblock from Zorhadge. If the rebels approach from the Dirt Road, move to your supplemental positions to stop them.

"For All Units: Green star cluster green smoke means the signaling unit is engaging rebel elements per ROE, support by fire. Blue star cluster or blue smoke is my signal for you to join up with the AAVs in Zorhadge in order to evacuate to the main company position east of here. I may call for smoke on Target Reference Points 1-3 to cover our withdrawal. Do not pick up civilians when we evacuate. Use tear gas if necessary to clear roadway."

To Company Commander: "Establishing roadblock and ambush positions vicinity Zorhadge. Request smoke missions on standby for TRP's 1-3."


Since the rebels have lately shown a proclivity to engage U.N. forces, I am taking positions from which I feel I can put up a good fight against a numerically superior foe. My squads will make an attempt to turn the rebels away peacefully, but have the fields of fire necessary to engage rebel movements toward and along the East-West road. Due to the large numbers of refugees and ROE, use of supporting arms will likely be impossible (except for smoke). I have made no attempt to use the Spojnian government stragglers as I feel they would prove quite brittle in an engagement. Also, by their mere presence, they could precipitate a confrontation with rebel elements.

It is my feeling that a well-executed ambush can buy time for evacuating UNProFor elements either by causing the rebels to pull back and take a different route toward the evacuation site or by causing them to mass forces in order to overrun my position (hopefully, after I've pulled out). I have instructed my men to use tear gas if necessary to clear the road; a decision I'm not thrilled about, but one I deem the most acceptable under the circumstances.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.