- Air Force Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon
- Air Force Combat Readiness Medal
- Air Force Recognition Ribbon
- Air Force Overseas Ribbon (Short Tour)
- Air Force Basic Military Training Honor Graduate Ribbon
- Air Force Training Ribbon
- Air Force Outstanding Airman of the Year Ribbon
- Air Force Longevity Service Award Ribbon
- Air Force NCO Professional Military Educational Graduate Ribbon
- Army NCO Professional Development Ribbon
- Army Service Ribbon
- Coast Guard Expert Shot Medal
- Coast Guard Commandant Letter of Commendation Ribbon
- Coast Guard Gold Medal for Outstanding Achievement
- Coast Guard Restricted Duty Ribbon
- Coast Guard Basic Training Honor Graduate Ribbon
- Coast Guard Bicentennial Unit Commendation
- Coast Guard Gold Medal for Outstanding Achievement
- Valorous Unit Award
- All State issued awards
Note: Navy active duty and reserve personnel who qualify on a small arms
qualification course with any other branch of the Armed Forces (including
Coast Guard) may wear the appropriate Navy ribbon/medal corresponding to
that service qualification designation. OPNAVINST 3591.1C provides
information on qualification requirements.