Tactical Decision Game #95-6 Solution B
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Tactical Decision Game Solution #95-6 B June 1995

In a Hard Place

by Capt Ronald F.A. Woodman

View a map of the solution

Reports Made

To radio operator: "Inform battalion that Pihad is under rebel attack by a battalion sized force with armor. The attack is from the south along Rt. 21. We are moving north along 21 for a couple of kms to a position of greater safety."

Platoon Commander's Frag Order

"Pihad is under attack by a battalion sized force with at least one T55 coming north along Rt. 21. Their stated objective is to seize this town. The government forces seem willing to defend and have the river as a line of resistance. I expect the town will soon be plastered with indirect fire. However, this is not our fight. Our mission is to get these supplies to Sulehac and, for now, safeguard them until we get word that the road ahead is clear. We are going to pull our current OP's and move the convoy north along Rt. 21 for about 2 kms as soon as we can get these drivers moving. I want to occupy a position in defilade on the other side of the saddle between Hills 76 and 118. The map shows an intersection there.

"1st Squad: I want you to move out ASAP without waiting for the convoy. Scout out a good site near that intersection, establish security, and provide guides to laager up the convoy. Once the convoy has arrived, establish an OP in the vicinity of Hill 76 to observe and report the action in Pihad. 1st Squad, HMG will be in support of you.

"2d Squad: You have lead in the convoy. Provide security to our front. Once we have laagered up, establish OP north along Rt. 21.

"3d Squad: You will bring up the rear. You are the reaction force in case the convoy gets hit. 2d Squad, HMG is in support of you. Maintain readiness as react force even after we laager up.

"Platoon Sergeant: Let's get this convoy mounted up ASAP. I'm sure those drivers will get moving quickly if you remind them we expect incoming any minute.

"I will be riding with 2d Squad. Platoon Sergeant will be with 3d Squad. Any questions? Move out."


As tempting as it may be to want to even the odds in this fight, particularly with some of our heavy weapons, and a lovely choke point from which to ambush the T55, we would be failing in our mission as UNProFor and our mission to safeguard and deliver the convoy.

As to our orders from battalion to stay put in Pihad, the intent there was to safeguard the convoy. However, our position in Pihad, a rebel objective in today's attack, is now the very source of danger that battalion headquarters was trying to have us avoid. As to my use of a laager site 2 kms north of town, I felt that the distance and, more importantly, the terrain interposed between ourselves and the revel objective should safeguard us from incidental fires. Moreover, I did not want to back myself into any dead end roads as this would set us up for easy capture. My greatest safety here lies in being able to see and move.

For more detailed information on the structure of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps equipment, and symbols used in Tactical Decision Game sketches, see Marine Corps Gazette, October 1994, pp. 53-56 and the modification reported in the January, 1995, edition on page 5.